Policies and procedures
North Island College has established the following policies and procedures to guide and direct present and future initiatives of the institution, including administration, student services, finance and facilities.
- 1-01 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
- 1-05 Records Management
- 1-06 Use of North Island College Developed Materials by Other Users
- 1-07 Fundraising
- 1-08 Community Consultation Process
- 1-12 Research Involving Humans
- 1-13 Partnership Policy
- 1-14 Development and Administration of College Policy at North Island College
- 1-17 Fair Dealing
- 1-18 Emeritus Recognition
- 1-20 Code of Ethical Conduct
- 1-21 Risk Management Policy
- 1-22 Student/Employee Appeals to The College Board of Governors
- 1-23 Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower)
- 3-03 Cancellation Notification for Instructional Activities
- 3-04 Internationalization
- 3-06 Community Code of Academic, Personal and Professional Conduct (Code of Conduct)
- 3-07 Program Revisions and New Program Approval
- 3-08 President's Award
- 3-11 Program Review
- 3-12 Instructional Key Dates
- 3-15 Course Revisions and New Course Approval
- 3-17 Accommodations and Accessible Learning Services for Students with Disabilities
- 3-17-1 Accommodation and Accessible Learning Procedures
- 3-17-2 Accommodation Review Form
- 3-20 Suspension, Relocation or Cancellation of Academic Credentialed Programs
- 3-21 Dean's Honour Roll
- 3-22 Program and Course Credentials
- 3-25 Instructional Timetabling and Space Allocation
- 3-27 Integrity in Research and Scholarship
- 3-28 Intellectual Property
- 3-30 Student Appeals
- 3-31 Student Complaint Resolution
- 3-32 Collection Development Policy
- 3-33 Evaluation of Student Performance
- 3-34 Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response
- 3-35 Course Outline
- 3-36 President's Community Engagement Award
- 3-37 Academic Standing and Progression
- 6-01 Asset Disposal
- 6-02 Travel Expense
- 6-03 Staff Computer Purchase
- 6-04 Miscellaneous Revenue
- 6-05 Cellular Telephones
- 6-06 College Vehicles
- 6-07 Credit Cards
- 6-09 Honorarium Policy
- 6-10 Expenditure Control
- 6-13 Independent Contractor
- 6-14 Contract Signing Limits
- 6-15 Long Term Investments
- 6-16 Non-base Funded Programs and Services
- 6-17 Data Security Policy for Payment Cards
- 6-18 Cheque Signing
- 6-19 Purchasing Policy
Emergency procedures