CR = Campbell River
CV = Comox Valley
DL = Digital*
PA = Port Alberni
PH = Mixalakwila campus (at Port Hardy)
UC = Ucluelet
*Students will require access to a computer and the internet to complete their course.
B = blended delivery
The course combines digital delivery and on-campus instruction, with defined start
and end dates. The digital component is completed by the student independently, while
on-campus learning is scheduled.
C = continuous entry
The course is delivered with individualized instruction and meeting times and with
start and end dates that are specific to the student. Access to a computer and the
internet is required.
M = unscheduled with scheduled exam
The course is delivered online without scheduled classes, but with a defined start
and end date. Students will have to attend an in-person, scheduled final exam. There
may also be an in-person lab component.
S = scheduled
The course can be delivered through either on-campus or digital classes, but with
scheduled classes each week and defined start and end dates to the course.
U = unscheduled
The course is delivered digitally, with no scheduled class times but with defined
start and end times to the course.
B = Business
E = Early childhood education
F = Fine Arts Diploma
G = High school dual credit
I = Digital Design and Development
J = Engineering
L = Local students (reserved for people in a particular community)
M = Criminology
N = Nursing
P = Island Pre-Health Science
R = Reserved for a custom group
T = Tourism and Hospitality
U = Human services
V = Adventure guiding
X = Electronics or electrical
Y or Z = Special contract training