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NIC Orange Shirt Day
September 21, 2020
Orange Shirt Day is an important day to honour and listen to residential school survivors and remember those that were lost due to oppressive educational systems.
NIC in the News: Homalco First Nation...
September 18, 2020
Homalco First Nation invests $196,308 WorkBC grant in forestry courses for Indigenous students
How Social Media Affects Your Chances...
September 17, 2020
Your online presence creates what is called a digital footprint. This is where your social media account activity, photos that you posted and are tagged in, things you wrote or were written about you, all leave a trail of digital information about you.
New course helps future teachers navigate...
September 11, 2020
NIC is launching a new course for future teachers and any students interested in honing their presentation skills.
NIC marine training expands higher level...
September 11, 2020
NIC is expanding access to its Transport Canada marine training with new, higher level training available this fall.