All news
NIC nursing students host virtual CNSA...
A team of NIC nursing students will welcome nursing students from across Western Canada as part of the first ever all digital Western Prairie Regional conference of the Canadian Nursing Students Association (CNSA).
NIC joins Pathways to Healing partnership...
NIC’s human service worker students are benefiting from a new partnership with the Comox Valley Child Development Association, which brings the Pathways to Healing Partnership into the classroom.
Island Post-Secondaries team up for...
Colleges and Universities from across Vancouver Island are teaming up on new, virtual events to answer questions from students getting ready to make the move to post-secondary.
NIC evening/weekend health program starting...
Students interested in entering the health care field will have increased access to education this fall, thanks to a new evening/weekend offering at NIC’s St. Joe’s location.
NIC, ElderCollege partner on new sound...
Comox Valley ElderCollege and NIC have joined forces to upgrade sound system in the Stan Hagen Theatre to benefit students, ElderCollege members and the community.