Habitat banks are an important tool used by the forestry sector to compensate for environmental impacts. The goal of this project is to develop an innovative type of habitat bank using planted kelp beds that can be used by the forestry sector to reduce the environmental impact of logging on marine habitat. Kelp beds are also highly effective at sequestering carbon, the levels of carbon sequestered in the habitat banks will be measured in order to assess their contribution to mitigating the effects of climate change.

Project Dates: December 2019 – January 3, 2024

Funding Amount: $286,250

Students Hired: 7


Project Summary

Kelp naturally provides food and habitat for many different species while improving water quality. Planted kelp beds, therefore, have the potential to create marine habitat and/or rehabilitate degraded marine habitat. This project seeks to fill in knowledge gaps regarding kelp as a habitat banking tool for the forestry sector. The growth and quality of kelp was compared at several marine sites used for log handling/storage. In addition to kelp measurements, water quality was monitored and qualitative observations from underwater photos/video were recorded at each site. The results will help the industry partners, and potentially other companies, make informed decisions about future marine habitat banks by examining what site conditions and kelp cultivation techniques were or were not successful during this project.

Research Team

Allison Byrne
Allison Byrne


Logan Zeinert
Logan Zeinert


Sally Enns
Sally Enns

Student Research Assistant and NIC Aquaculture Technician program alum

Maria Griffith
Maria Griffith

Student Research Assistant

Sabrina Jordan
Sabrina Jordan

Student Research Assistant

Aube Degroot
Aube Degroot

Student Research Assistant

Melissa Roberts
Melissa Roberts

Student Research Assistant

Placeholder for Michael C. Wright
Michael C. Wright

Owner and Senior Biologist, M.C. Wright and Associates Ltd.

Cosmo Roemer
Cosmo Roemer

Biologist, M.C. Wright and Associates Ltd.

Karl Smith
Karl Smith

Guardian Manager, Wei Wai Kum First Nation

Michael Gelz
Michael Gelz

Engineering Technologist, BC Timber Sales

Roland Doering
Roland Doering

Engineering Officer, BC Timber Sales

Amber Urbshas
Amber Urbshas

Student Researcher

Abby Walker
Abby Walker

Student Researcher

Project Outcomes

  • Kelp was planted at four sites. Kelp yield, length, and width were measured, along with water current, temperature, and salinity at the experimental sites. Underwater video footage from dive surveys was collected before kelp planting and on a follow-up trip near peak kelp production.
  • Optimal kelp culture depth, grow-out infrastructure, and sites were identified.
  • NIC, MCWA, and BC Timber Sales are working together on a larger 3-year kelp project that will build on the results of this collaboration and test a novel kelp planting technique.


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