Published on Sep 14, 2021

Digital course offerings and personal support from the NIC community has helped NIC student Sonali Chatterjee pursue her dream of becoming a teacher.

Chatterjee was working in a school in Prince George when she decided to explore options get her Bachelor of Education to become a teacher.

She learned that she would need to do some additional courses in order to apply for a Bachelor of Education and began looking for online options around BC, when a colleague recommended she look at NIC. She decided to take English and history courses at NIC that were offered through digital delivery.

“I found the courses the same week classes had started,” she said. “I called registration and was able to speak to someone immediately. I expected them to say I would have to wait until the next term, but they told me there was still time to register and helped me through the process.”

Chatterjee was impressed at the responsiveness and helpfulness of the NIC staff.

“Unlike other calls I had made to different educational institutions, an actual human being picked up the phone. I didn’t have to leave a message on a voicemail and wait for someone to call me back,” she explained. “The person at NIC Registration helped me get an English Placement assessment done really quickly so that I could get into the courses I wanted – it was great.”

Once she was admitted into NIC, Chatterjee knew that she was behind since classes had already begun.

“Even though she started the term late, Sonali quickly emerged as extremely motivated and engaged in every aspect of her learning,” said Lesley-Anne Watts, her NIC English instructor at the time. “As a result, her writing, reading, and critical thinking skills blossomed immensely over the course of two months.”

“Sonali is one of the bright lights from the last course I taught at NIC,” added Watts.

As the term progressed, however, Chatterjee noticed that she needed some help improving her writing skills. She connected with her instructor about her concerns, and was recommended that she access Writing Support which is a free service through NIC’s Library and Learning Commons.

“Writing help was really great. They reviewed my writing two or three times and gave me feedback. As a result, I got great marks on that assignment and understood what to do differently in the future,” explained Chatterjee. “Being at NIC was a wonderful experience. You can tell that everyone from instructors to support staff to student services, really care about you and helping you succeed.”

After completing her courses at NIC, Chatterjee accepted a full-time position with the Vancouver School Board and moved to Vancouver. She is looking forward to applying to Bachelor of Education programs in the Lower Mainland. She is excited about furthering her education and career.

“Who knows, maybe someday I will take my masters degree and come back to teach at NIC?”

There is still time to register in courses for the Fall term. Registration is also open for courses starting in January. Learn more at