NIC’s Office of Global Engagement is looking for NIC study abroad students and alumni to help future students prepare for study abroad.
We are seeking students’ participation in a series of COVID-friendly engagement activities in regards to discussing perceived barriers to Study Abroad as well as providing input on the development of a non-traditional/decolonized toolkit for international Study Abroad and intercultural exchange.
Domestic students from groups that traditionally have had a low participation rate in study abroad opportunities including Indigenous students, low-income students, and students with disabilities, etc., are encouraged to participate.
Eligible participants will have to be:
- comfortable participating in activities and discussions with groups of student participants
- responsive to communication via e-mail and other online modes of communication
- enthusiastic about sharing their experiences and knowledge as they relate to study abroad participation or barriers to study abroad participation
Time involvement: up to 8 hours over a 8 week period. Gift certificates and honoraria for participation will be available
Project timelines: January 25 to March 31st, 2021.
Interested students can contact OGE @ by February 1, 2021.