Published on Mar 8, 2023

NIC Motion Picture Training students celebrated the completion of their program. 

The program is offered in partnership with the Vancouver Island North Film Commission (INFilm) and is made possible with funding provided by the Province of BC’s Community Workforce Response Grant, Warner Bros. Discovery Access Canada Sponsorship Program and REEL CANADA, the Reel Opportunities Program.

This round of 12 week courses was offered from December 5, 2022 through to March 3, 2023, and targeted students skills in lighting, grip, set construction, set dresser, and location production assistant. The courses were offered in a combination of digital and in-person, with the in-person training taking place at Martini Film Studios in Langley. 

Read the full story on INFilm's website

Read more in the Campbell River Mirror: North Island students reeling in film training.