Published on Aug 9, 2021

NIC’s new Computer Information Systems certificate is launching this fall with a new delivery format to increase access to students across the North Island.

The new program includes computer programming, web scripting, database fundamentals and systems administration to prepare students to develop and manage modern information systems.

“Employees who maintain networks, systems and software are invaluable and in high demand in the region,” said Neil Cruickshank, NIC dean of arts, science & technology. “This program provides students with the foundational skills to find employment in a wide range of information technology areas.”

The one-year program will be offered almost entirely through digital delivery, with the option for students to attend on campus if they want. There is a new, dedicated computer lab at the Campbell River campus and lab space has also been reserved at the Comox Valley and Port Alberni campuses.

Students will need to come to the Campbell River campus for one day during the fall term to complete one of the assignments.

“We wanted to provide opportunities for students to access the program across the region, while also ensuring they could come to campus to use our computer lab facilities, including our brand-new dedicated lab in Campbell River, if they wanted to,” said Cruickshank.

NIC began developing the CIS certificate after receiving feedback from employers in the region about a lack of qualified candidates to fill key roles in information technology.

The BC Labour Market Outlook: 2019 Edition forecasts 22,660 computer information system job openings across the province by 2029, including 4,150 on Vancouver Island and the central coast.

“Part of what makes this certificate program truly exceptional is that while students will earn a credential and be prepared for a job in the IT sector, the program was also designed with transferability in mind, so students can also continue their studies, if they want,” said Cruickshank.

The program combines theory with practical applied skills through hands-on lab exercises and projects. Graduates will be able to enter the workforce or continue their training through diploma and degree programs at other post-secondary institutions across British Columbia.

The first intake of Computer Information Systems certificate is this September.

View the program information sheet for details on course schedules and delivery details. 

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