As faculty of NIC Fine Art Diploma we are connecting with you regarding the upcoming 2020-21 academic year. We are creating opportunities to continue program delivery, with our focus being to provide you with safe and accessible learning. We are delighted to share that we will be offering all courses in the Fine Arts program for the Fall and Winter term.
For the Fall 2020 term, Fine Arts courses will be offered through online digital delivery, with the exception of the second year FIN 235 Ceramics course (offered as a blended online and in-person delivery).
All classes will integrate scheduled online class time where students will engage in a collaborative learning community. We are excited to work together to explore how art can be a catalyst for change, in which creative practice serves as a form of storytelling, and as a vehicle for connecting with one another.
Over the summer the Fine Art faculty team will be working hard to develop and translate the course curriculum for an online digital format delivery. Our aim is to ensure this delivery maintains the responsiveness, integrity and core values of the Program that we have cultivated and nurtured over the years.
Our classes will focus on:
- hands-on learning to develop your material practice and technical skill set;
- research and analytical skills to learn about historical and contemporary artists and cultural practices;
- awareness and vocabulary of critical cultural theory and visual communication;
- personalized learning to support a sense of identity and relevance in your studio practice;
- developing and strengthening a diverse community for learning and sharing between peers, supported by faculty, visiting artists, and cultural workers.
- facilitating professional experiences, networking and cultural relationship building.
In order to support practical hands-on learning experiences, you will be provided with a material kit for each studio course in which you are enrolled to utilize for the development and production of your studio assignments. We will contact you closer to the start date of the fall term about the specific times and dates for pick-up. One month prior to the start of classes, your instructors will provide you with a supply list of items that you will need to purchase.We are currently working with NIC Health and Safety committee on protocols to allow limited studio access for students in FIN 215 Intaglio Print and FIN 230 Sculpture. Students these classes will receive information with your supply list.
Logistics for Online Learning, Materials + AV Kits
In preparation for your online course engagement, here is some guidance:
Well before you start your classes in the fall, it is a good idea to look over these
minimum computer requirements to determine if you have, or can acquire what you will
need for your courses:
- Do you have a computer or access to a computer?
- Do you have reliable Internet access?
- Can you play Quicktime movies on your computer? If not, you can download Quicktime for free.
- Can you listen to and/or download music on your computer?
- Can you write, save and file documents?
- Do you have a phone, tablet or camera for documenting your artwork?
- Can you upload photographs?
If you answered YES to these questions then you most likely have what is needed to take an online course.
If you answered NO to these questions and you are facing barriers to put these resources in place, please contact the Chair of the School of Fine Art + Design
Studio Courses with Materials kits
Fall 2020: FIN 110, 210, 140, 120, 220, 130, 230, 215, 245, 235
Winter 2021: FIN 111, 211, 121, 221, 131, 231, 115, 294, 145, 135, 236
- Material Kit: Students will be required to pick up a material kit for specific assignments. Students unable to pick up material kits in person will be required to purchase their own materials for the assignments.
- Supply List: Instructor will provide a supply list one month prior to class start date. Students are required to purchase these supplies.
Courses with Video AV kits
Fall 2020: FIN 200
Winter 2021: FIN 201
Students in the region can borrow video and sound equipment from the NIC. Students
outside of the region must have access to a video camera that can capture 1080 HD,
tripod, and sound recorder: Hn1 or Hn2 Zoom recorder, headphones, SD card and hard
drive for backing up files (1 TB recommended).
Course with Photography AV kits
Fall 2020: FIN 245
Winter 2021: FIN 247
Students in the region can borrow photography equipment from NIC. Students outside
of the region must have access to DLSR camera and tripod, high speed SD card 64gb,
and storage device - external hard drive 1 TB.
Blended Courses
Fall 2020: FIN 235
Winter 2021: 135, 236, 115, 131, 145, 294
Students will be required to pick up/drop off at Comox Valley Campus throughout the
term. Specific learning modules will take place at the North Island College Comox
Valley Campus with scheduled studio access. Students will be required to pick up a
material kit for specific assignments. Instructor will provide a supply list one month
prior to class start date, students are required to purchase these supplies.
Note: FIN 294 Directed Studies in Printmaking will serve as a course substitute for FIN 217 Screen Printing for the Winter 2021 term.
We are looking forward to working, sharing and learning with you as we build our community of creatives. If you have any questions please contact NIC School of Fine Art + Design Department Chair Sara Vipond For timetable assistance and inquiries about financial aid email
All the Best,
NIC Fine Art Faculty Members:
Sara Vipond, Linda Perron, Elizabeth Russell, Angela Somerset, Gordon Hutchens