NIC, Aurora College and the College of New Caledonia are partnering on a Global Mobility Engagement Online project – bringing together peer mentors with students interested in studying abroad for the chance to ask questions and learn more about the process.
While study abroad is cancelled for this academic term, you can still start planning for when international travel resumes. The Office of Global Engagement is available to help you plan for future opportunities, once international travel is reopened. Please contact us at
What to expect *preparing* for a study abroad experience?
Friday, Feb 5
12 – 1:30 pm
NIC study abroad peer mentors will discuss their motivations and preparation to study
abroad. Mentors will engage with you to discuss their preconceptions of international
travel and preparing to embark on a study abroad experience.
Intercultural learning from home: What to expect navigating a different culture?
Friday, Feb 12
11 am – 12:30 pm
Hear about learning in a different country, and especially about expectations versus
reality. Mentors will engage with you to discuss the factors that shape student expectations
about navigating a different country, and some things they were surprised by in their
own experiences.
Intercultural learning from home: A Costa Rican perspective
Friday, Feb 26
11 am – 12:30 pm
Representatives from the Costa Rica Institute of Technology will give a presentation
about study abroad opportunities offered in partnership with their institution. You’ll
have the opportunity to ask questions at the end.
Intercultural learning from home: Exchange student perspectives
Friday, March 12
5 - 6:30 pm
Former exchange students will share their experiences adapting to life in Canada.
In discussions, session facilitators and participants will compare their thoughts
about the rewards and challenges of adapting to life in Canada.
Intercultural learning from home: Lifelong benefits
Friday, March 26
11 am – 12:30 pm
Session facilitators will discuss the various ways they benefitted from their study
abroad experience. Mentors will engage with you about what you would hope to gain
by studying abroad, and some things to be mindful of to fully benefit from the experience.