Have you jumped around from job to job, and overall it adds up to a lot of experience but not a lot of commitment to one workplace?
Rest assured, you’re not the only one. Staying at one company for a long time is not as common as it used to be, and this shift has helped lessen the stigma attached to job-hopping.
Here are some positive things about job hopping:
Diversity of experience: You have gained a wide range of experience and skills that you may not have found by staying at one job for a long period of time.
Exposure: You’ve been exposed to a variety of employers and organizations and have seen how they operate. This knowledge can help to improve processes in your new workplace that may not have been thought of before.
Networking: You’ve likely encountered a wide variety of people and have subsequently learned how to work with different personality types. Furthermore, you’ve built a wide network where your professional connections could help refer you for your best job yet.
Advancement: You’ve actively sought improvement for your career path instead of waiting to be promoted. This can often lead to upgrading your job title, salary, and benefits.
The downside of job hopping:
Disloyal: An employer wants to know that you’ll be a loyal employee because it takes time and money to train new staff. If they see that you have worked a few jobs for less than a year, it is likely that they won’t select you for an interview. It is best to try to list your work experience on your resume that has lasted more than a year. If it is less than a year, it can be helpful to include information like “seasonal” or “contract work”, so that an employer can know that you didn’t quit or get fired.
Layoffs: If times get tough for an organization, often the newest hires are the first to be laid off or let go. Staying in a position longer can help with your job security.
Less reliable references: An employer is likely to give you high praise if they are satisfied with your workplace performance. If you don’t stay with any organizations for very long, or if you leave shortly after an employer has put in time and money to train you, they won’t make a very good reference for you. And the worst part about not staying with a company for very long: They may easily forget you.
Level of commitment: When you’re young and starting on your career path, employers can find it acceptable that you try out different jobs (especially while trying to juggle school). However, as you get older and apply for positions with more responsibility, your job hopping could convince an employer that you lack commitment and reliability.
Overall, job hopping has its benefits but it’s best to hop wisely. A little bit of job hopping can work to your advantage, but too much moving around from position to position can be disadvantageous. Try to focus on what your long-term goals are and how you can get there without damaging your network. If a company allows you to grow with them, then try sticking with them and see how far you can go before moving onwards elsewhere.
If you need assistance setting career goals or figuring out which jobs to include on your resume, an advisor from Student Employment Services is happy to help. Book an appointment via CareerCentral: www.nic.bc.ca/careercentral.