Published on Apr 24, 2023

Join NIC for GoByBike week May 29 - June 4, 2023

Date: May 29, 2023 - Jun 4, 2023

This year’s GoByBikeBC theme is all about SHIFTING YOUR MODE through choosing to bike instead of taking motorized transport. Not only are you reducing your carbon footprint, but you'll be promoting a healthier lifestyle!

Each NIC campus has a team this year! Join us and track your rides and you’ll be entered for a prize draw, as well as the chance to win a provincial prize of an amazing cycling adventure for two in Croatia! The more times you enter a Mode Shift, the more entries will have to win a E-Bike! Learn more by clicking here!

The NIC teams are open to anyone who wants to join: employees, students, partners, friends. All are welcome!

Celebration Stations

NIC will be hosting community celebration stations for GoByBike Week. Stop by and say hi!

How to join an NIC Team

Step 1: Create an account/log in

Go to and either log in (returning users) or create an account.

Step 2: Join a Team

Click on Team at the top of the page.

Search by Organization: North Island College

Pick your local campus team to join:

Port Alberni: NIC PApeddlers

Campbell River: NICcycles CR

Comox Valley: NIC ontheMove

Mixalakwila: MX it UP!

You can also connect with each campus lead directly to connect with other team members to plan to cycle/walk/transit together throughout the week.

Step 3: Log your ride

Each day, go to the site and log your ride (or walk) and be entered for the chance to win prizes.

Step 4: Share your ride

Share your ride on social media with the hashtags:




New to cycling, or have questions?

Visit GoByBikeBC for safety tips and other resources. 

The BC Cycling Coalition has tips on cycling skills and safe practices and tips on what to wear

For Comox Valley riders, the Comox Valley Cycling Coalition has interactive cycling maps and other resources.