Published on May 17, 2021

Are you interested in exploring careers but aren’t sure where to start? Maybe you know what you don’t like, but you’re not so sure what you do like or what you’re good at? Have no fear, your tips to finding your career path are here!

It is entirely okay to feel lost as you get started. The good news is that you’re taking the time to figure things out instead of jumping in without doing the research. Don’t rush; start at Step 1 and work your way along until you are able to take action with confidence.

  1. Self Awareness: This means getting to know yourself better and includes recognizing your values, interests, likes/dislikes, strengths/weaknesses, traits, and ambitions. When figuring out who you are, remember that what comes the most naturally for you will likely lead to an enjoyable career. We’re not sure if it was Confucius, Winston Churchill, or Mark Twain who said it, but “Find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life” – it’s true!

Recommended resources:

16 Personalities – Learn your personality type to understand yourself and how you can use it to work well with others

Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test – Personality assessment based on Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Meyers approach

Service Canada Job Bank: Career Planning  and WorkBC’s Career Compass – Quizzes on your interests, abilities, and work preferences to find out what careers may be a good fit for you based on your strengths and fit.

  1. Explore Paths: Once you have a better awareness of who you are, you can start exploring your options and checking out different career paths. You can do this by looking at occupational research, industry trends, finding out what type(s) of education certain jobs require, and talking to professionals who are doing the work you’re interested in. This is a very important step and it’s okay to take the time to explore all the different avenues and options. You want to land on a career choice that’s right for you.

Recommended resource:

WorkBC’s Career Profiles – Search occupations by keyword, job title, or NOC code, and see if it’s in high demand, wages, employment outlook, job requirements, employment statistics, and insights from the industry. All information is BC-based and in some sections you can narrow it down further to your region (e.g. Vancouver Island - Sunshine Coast).

  1. Create a Plan: Now that you’ve done your research and figured out what’s suitable for you, you can get focused and home in on a specific career. The big part here is making the decision to pursue your path. You can start by creating an action plan and setting goals. These can include plans to enroll in school and/or certifications, setting deadlines for yourself, and exploring ways that you can gain experience in this industry.

Our tip:  

Meet with a Student Employment Advisor to help create a personalized plan. If you have an NIC student number, you can book an appointment on CareerCentral. If you’re new to NIC, email to schedule an appointment.

  1. Take Action: The time has come for you to act and put your plan in motion! Making changes isn’t easy and this might feel like the scariest step, but if you’ve put in the time to become more self-aware and have done the research, you should feel confident with your action plan. You can work on getting the education and experience you need, and when you’re ready to hit the workforce, you can use job search tools to help connect with employers and organizations in the industry.

As always, if you need assistance an advisor from Student Employment Services is happy to help. Book an appointment via CareerCentral: