Get a head start on your ECCE certificate with three part-time courses this spring.
The courses will run starting March 31 at NIC @ St. Joe’s and in Campbell River.
With the part-time, evening and weekend schedule, students can take one course at a time from March 31 – June 27, break for the summer and then come back to continue their certificate in the fall. Interested students can register in one, two or all three courses.
Courses are:
- ECC 168 – Health, Safety and Nutrition, March 31 – April 18
- ECC 114 – Child Guidance 1, April 21 – May 9
- ECC 104 – Child Development, May 12 – June 27
These 3 courses will introduce students to the certificate program with Assistant qualifying courses.
Successful completion of any 1 of the courses above can lead to ECE Assistant certification with the provincial registry and increase summer employment opportunities.
Courses are transferable into other deliveries of the certificate in the future, providing a lighter load for first semester.
Interested high school students should speak with your school counsellor.
Community members can apply through the ECCE certificate.