Join us for a conversation on Unconscious Bias, featuring panel members including NIC students, employees and community members.
Date: Nov 17, 2021Time: 12 pm - 1:30 pm Location: Online, email for meeting linkJoin Student Life and a team of panellists made up of NIC students, NIC employees
and community members for a Braves Spaces discussion on unconscious bias to explore
its impacts on individuals and communities and discover ways to become more aware
of and tackle our own unconscious biases.
Unconscious bias (also known as implicit bias) is defined as prejudice or unsupported
judgments in favour of or against one thing, person, or group as compared to another,
in a way that is considered unfair. Unconscious bias can introduce unintentional discrimination
negatively impacting individuals and our communities.
Stay tuned for more information including a list of panel members.
What is a Brave Space?
A brave space is a place to come together to have a healthy yet challenging dialogue around important issues facing students and global citizens today. A brave space is a place for respectful sharing of thoughts so we can all gain a better understanding of each other’s perspectives, encourage critical thinking, and learn from each other.
Brave Spaces Resources
The Library & Learning Commons has compiled various resources to support students
in learning more about Brave Spaces topics.
To learn more and prepare for a Brave Spaces talk, or to just educate yourself more
on the topic visit