Published on Oct 13, 2023

The NIC Board of Governors recently elected Patricia Trasolini (left) as its chair for the next year and Shelley Dores as vice chair.

Patricia Trasolini, who sat on the North Island College Board of Governors this past year as vice-chair, will now serve as chair for the coming year.

She takes over from Jane Atherton, who will continue to sit on the board as past chair.

Trasolini joined the board in 2019 as a Campbell River representative. Her work background is in education, having served as a teacher of English, English literature, law and public speaking. This included working as a high school counsellor, vice principal and ultimately principal of Carihi Secondary in Campbell River. Her volunteer activities include the Island Soul Choir and Storey Creek Women’s Club.

“North Island College provides a rich, nurturing and multi-faceted learning environment that caters to the well-being of all its constituents. In my years on the Board of Governors, I have had a peek at the breadth and depth of NIC’s impact on the communities it serves,” Trasolini said. “As I observed faculty and staff adapt and change to continue to deliver quality educational opportunities through the pandemic, which in many cases involved a complete re-vamping of curricula to move from in-person delivery to fully online and then morph into hybrid delivery options as the campuses re-opened, I have been astounded at the dedication, passion and vision that permeates the culture of this institution.”

She also emphasized NIC’s focus on Indigenization, international options, new ways to reach remote communities and new programs as signs that the college is meeting the needs of present and future work environments.

Trasolini is proud to serve as chair, adding, “NIC is working creatively and intelligently with and for the people of the vast geographic region it serves.”

Shelley Dores, another Campbell River representative, will now serve as vice chair. She is a businesswoman and entrepreneur, and also serves as the president of Campbell River's Tidemark Theatre board of directors.

At the inaugural meeting in September, the board also welcomed new members Jerad Langille, Claire Moglove and Vicky White.

Langille is a chartered professional accountant, who was also active in his community as duty coxswain with Royal Marine Search and Rescue and previously served as an RCMP auxiliary constable. Moglove is a retired lawyer and city councillor in Campbell River. White is Executive Director of the Tseshaht First Nation. Previously, she has worked as a research officer at the Office of the Representative for Children and worked for the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council for more than 20 years. 

The three will join Trasolini, Dores, Atherton and other current members Nancy Arsenault, Barry Minaker and Valery Puetz, as well as Murray Erickson (faculty representative) and Rylee LaTrace (support staff representative).

Two new student representatives were also elected to the board this month. Business management student Shubham Chauhan and business administration student Kudakwashe Wingwiri begin their one-year terms.

As well, NIC President Lisa Domae and NIC Education Council chair Wilma Gus sit on the board as ex officio non-voting board members.

The NIC Board of Governors oversees the college’s strategic direction and makes policy-level decisions to guide the organization. For more information on the work of NIC’s Board of Governors, including upcoming meetings and agendas:

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NIC Board of Governors welcomes new chair, members