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New gathering place supports Indigenous...
Indigenous students, faculty and staff have a new culturally relevant space for connection and celebration with the official opening of the Indigenous Gathering Place at North Island College's Campbell River campus.
Port Alberni Graduation Ceremony 2022
Congratulations, graduates of 2022! Mark your calendars for our upcoming Comox Valley Graduation Ceremony — a chance to celebrate your success as you look to the future!
Comox Valley Graduation Ceremony 2022...
Congratulations, graduates of 2022! Mark your calendars for our upcoming Comox Valley Graduation Ceremony — a chance to celebrate your success as you look to the future!
Campbell River Graduation Ceremony 2022
Congratulations, graduates of 2022! Mark your calendars for our upcoming Campbell River Graduation Ceremony — a chance to celebrate your success as you look to the future!
NIC in the News: Campbell River's best...
Local epicureans in the know can mark their calendars for Thursday, April 28. After being closed for two years, North Island College’s full service fine dining restaurant will open its doors to diners again.