All news
Student Life and Human Resources in...
October 13, 2023
Drop by the Port Alberni campus, meet members of NIC's Student Life and HR teams and learn how you can get involved around campus.
Library and Learning Commons Movie Night...
October 13, 2023
It's fall — and that means movie nights. Grab a snack and join us for a feature film. Stay tuned to our LLC Instagram to vote on which film you'd like to watch or just drop by!
NISU Free Yoga for Students
October 13, 2023
De-stress with a free online Yoga workshop offered by NISU! Register by emailing
Popcorn, Perks and Potential — Port...
October 13, 2023
Interested in a career with NIC? Join our HR team, enjoy some snacks and learn how you can 'pop' the lid on health and career benefits. We look forward to meeting you!
Indigenous Education Wellness Event
October 13, 2023
Join us in Port Alberni for this free event highlighting wellness and well-being.