All news
CareerCentral Live in Campbell River...
Prepare your resume and save the date! We're opening our doors to employers, students and community members for an afternoon of networking.
In-Person Orientation Day Campbell River...
New international students studying in Campbell River are invited to the Campbell River campus for a tour, lunch and community-building activities. Please watch your NIC student email for details.
In-Person Orientation Day Comox Valley...
New international students studying in Comox Valley are invited to the Comox Valley campus for a tour, lunch and community-building activities. Please watch your NIC student email for details.
Winter 2024 Orientation - Join us in...
We've got snacks, swag and all the information you need to start the winter term.
New International Student Orientation...
Join us for a full day online to learn everything you need to know as you begin your studies at NIC as an international student. Please watch your NIC student email for an invitation and link to join.