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NIC leads province in transition to...
June 1, 2020
NIC biology faculty are among the first in the province to transition lab courses to digital delivery.
NIC fall term includes digital & on-campus...
May 26, 2020
NIC has confirmed its plans for fall and what courses and programs will look like for students. Courses and programs will be offered in one of two ways; either fully digital or a blended on-campus and digital option.
CARTI Newsletter December 2019
May 26, 2020
Welcome to the December 2019 edition of the CARTI Newsletter.
NIC in the News: NIC nursing grads among...
May 19, 2020
Congratulations to NIC nursing grads, who make up some of the 330 new nurses working in the Island Health Authority region.
Message from NIC's Nursing Faculty
May 15, 2020
NIC's nursing faculty have prepared a message for all NIC health care grads and current students, in honour of National Nursing Week.