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NIC in the News: From Port Alberni's...
The Port Alberni Shelter Society's Shelter Farm served as the training ground for NIC students in the new Food Production and Processing course, which focused on ensuring that unused food does not go to waste.
Spotlight: NIC Emeritus recognized as...
Patricia Corbett-Labatt received NIC’s Emeritus designation in 2015 in recognition of a career spanning almost 40 years — but her contributions continue to reverberate throughout the community.
NIC in the News: Trades training gets...
Cairam “Khai” Allam's journey to the world of skilled trades began after she moved to Port Alberni and decided she wanted to work for local firm Canadian Maritime Engineering — which has partnered with NIC to offer apprenticeships through the Welder Foundation Harmonized Enhanced program.
NIC in the News: Students with learning...
Students from NIC's Employment Transition Grounds & Custodial Assistant program in Port Alberni were featured in a recent article in Ha-Shilth-Sa.
NIC in the News: Advanced Memory Care...
CKNW host Lynda Steele spoke with instructor Deborah Provencher on NIC's new Advanced Memory Care course.