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Play-based learning provides foundation...
NIC Early Childhood Care and Education certificate students are preparing to start their careers as early childhood educators embracing a child-centered approach to care.
Field School: Fishing, Indigeneity and...
Interested in taking your learning outside the classroom? Do you have a passion to learn more about Japanese culture or coastal fishing practices? North Island College's Office of Global Engagement is excited to announce the opportunity for students to travel to Japan for a 10 day Field School...
NIC Port Alberni Programs: 2021/2022
We’re so excited to welcome you back to campus this fall. NIC is offering a range of programs and courses at our Port Alberni campus. Explore the programs at NIC's Port Alberni campus this year.
Flexible delivery, support, key to success,...
NIC student Mary Rickinson says NIC’s ongoing support and mix of digital and in-person delivery was exactly what she needed to succeed during the COVID-19 pandemic and afterwards.
Seats still available at Youth Academy...
There is still time to sign up for NIC Youth Academy Summer Camps, but spots are filling quickly.