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NIC in the News: Tofino tuition offer...
The District of Tofino is celebrating the successful hiring of NIC Early Childhood Education students at the Community Children's Centre, after offering a unique approach to financially support students.
INTO 2022 — 11-11 Sessions welcomes...
The INTO 2022 11-11 Sessions continues with a new employer-focused event with Debby Reis, project manager for Talent MATCH — an initiative aimed at connecting museums as well arts, tourism, culture and hospitality organizations with students seeking work terms.
North Island College and Indigenous...
Fran Prince was always the first to acknowledge and thank people for their work. In that way, NIC and the Indigenous Education Council would like to recognize the lasting impact of Fran Prince in the lives of students, communities, and education in the region.
Access to Practical Nursing Pathway...
Health care assistants wanting to further their career and become licensed practical nurses are invited on Tuesday April 19, 2022 for an information session.
NIC in the News: Comox Valley youth...
NIC trades students have been recognized by the Ministry of Education for being part of the Youth Work in Trades program in the Comox Valley.