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Mac Newton

Faculty/Departments: Arts, Science and Management
Positions/Titles: Faculty
Area of Expertise: English
Mac Newton, faculty
Mac wrote for newspapers in Ontario before moving to BC. He began teaching with NIC in 1995 in the Nuu-chah-nulth community of Ahousaht, and since then has been an educator in Aboriginal education, upgrading and first-year English, teaching English 122, 115 and 160. You’ll see his articles in the local CV Collective magazine, and he is finally finding the time to work on a novel. His favourite fiction writers right now are Eden Robinson, Thomas King and Andre Alexis. His favourite poets, maybe forever, are Shane Koyczan and Pablo Neruda. Currently, he’s reading the poetry of Jericho Brown.

And click here to read Mac’s favourite essay, “Joyas Voladoras”, by the late Brian Doyle.