Faculty and Staff Profile
Aisling Brady

Aisling (pronounced Ashling) came to North Island College in 2012, shortly before completing her doctorate in Tropical Marine Biology, specifically investigating genetic controls in coral spawning behaviour and the role of circadian and circalunar rhythms. Prior to this she completed her Master of Science degree, focusing on coral reef and mangrove interactions in Cuba. During her PhD she recognized her passion for education and made a commitment to teaching by concurrently pursuing a Bachelor of Education degree at Queen’s University. Aisling's diverse educational background fuels her interest in biotechnology, genetics, molecular biology, marine biology, human health, statistics and geography, which is mirrored in the courses she teaches at NIC.
Passion for education and supporting student growth is central to Aisling's teaching philosophy. Using research-backed methods to create student-centred learning environments and opportunities for students to actively learn are the basis of her teaching practice. In concert to teaching, learning about how post-secondary institutions function and grow has fueled her latest endeavours, including becoming the lead developer of the Island Pre-Health Science program, which involved a feasibility study, community consultation, and curriculum development, as well as involvement in various committees at the college, and becoming the chair for the provincial Biology Articulation Committee with BCCAT.
Aisling is originally from the Niagara region in Ontario and now calls Comox home. Her spare time is typically spent with her family, which includes two young boys and her husband, and enjoys spending time outdoors gardening, hiking, and keeping her pointing dog, a Vizsla named Copper, out of mischief.
Lead Researcher for NIC's first NSERC Innovation Enhancement grant. September 2012
- September 2014. An applied research grant working closely with industry to determine
best practices for monitoring environmental benthic impacts from finfish aquaculture
on hard substrate sites.
Program Developer of the Island Pre-Health Science Advanced Diploma at NIC. May 2021
- April 2023. Drafted an in-depth feasibility study, connected with community stakeholders
and sought their feedback, presented to external funding members, developed curriculum
for 8 new courses.
- Ph.D, Biological Sciences (University of Calgary, 2012)
- B.Ed., Intermediate/Senior Biology and Geography (Queen's University, 2011)
- M.Sc., Marine Ecology (University of Toronto, 2008)
- B.Sc. (Hons), Zoology and Physical Geography (University of Toronto, 2005)
Research and published work
Brady, A.K., Willis, B.L., Harder, L.D., Vize, P.D. (2016). Lunar phase modulates circadian gene expression cycles in the broadcast spawning coral Acropora millepora. The Biological Bulletin, 230 (2), 130-142.
Hilton, J.D., Brady, A.K., Spaho, S.A., Vize, P.D. (2012). Photoreception and signal transduction in corals: proteomic and behavioral evidence for cytoplasmic calcium as a mediator of light responsivity. The Biological Bulletin, 223 (3), 291-299.
Brady, A.K., Snyder, K.A., Vize, P.D. (2011) Circadian cycles of gene expression in the coral, Acropora millepora. PLoS ONE, 6(9): e25072. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0025072
Brady, A.K., Hilton, J.D., Vize, P.D. (2009) Coral spawn timing is a direct response to solar light cycles and is not an entrained circadian response. Coral Reefs, 28 (3), 677-680.
Hernández–Fernández, L., De la Guardia, E., Brady, A.K. (2008). Comunidades de corales pétreos en la costa norte de Ciego de Ávila, Cuba. Revista de Investigaciones Marinas, 29 (2), 125-130.
Courses taught
- BIO-060 Concepts in Biology I (Inhabiting the Human Body)
- BIO-102 Principles of Modern Biology II
- BIO-103 Principles of Modern Biology 1
- BIO-110 Concepts of Biology I (Inhabiting the Human Body)
- BIO-111 Concepts in Biology II (Inhabiting the Earth)
- BIO-160 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
- BIO-161 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
- BIO-200 Cell Biology
- BIO-203 Principles of Genetics
- BIO-211 Invertebrate Biology
- BIO-250 Directed Independent Studies in Biology
- BIO-260 Pathobiology I
- BIO-261 Pathobiology II